A Quiet Coming of Light, by Jude Neale – Leaf Press Review
Praise for Jude Neale’s poetry:
“A mixture of formal control and emotional weight … I especially liked the simplicity (always much harder to achieve than it appears).”
–Sir Andrew Motion, Britain’s Poet Laureate, on “Still Life.”
“Amidst the marks and scars, is the strength of the human spirit to find humour, irony, and beauty in it all. Humour – that sure sign that some kind of healing has happened.”
–Daniela Elza, author of milk tooth bane bone.
“What an absolutely stunning poem. So delicately wrought. No bathos or sentimentality – difficult to achieve in a love poem.” –Patrick Cotter, judge of Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize, on “Blue Bowl.”
Review Excerpts
“Jude’s trademarks are a tension between delicacy and power, between obliqueness and honesty, between unmawkish sorrow and ironic humour at her own expense. (Check out the leopard-print lingerie poem.)” Read the review by Susanna Braund in The Bowen Island Undercurrent here.
Jude Neale was shortlisted for the Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize (Ireland), The International Poetic Republic Poetry Prize (UK), The Mary Chalmers Smith Poetry Prize (UK), The Wenlock International Poetry Prize (UK), and The Royal City short story and poem contest where she placed second in both categories. Her book Only the Fallen Can See was long-listed for the Canadian ReLit Award.