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Canadian Poetry Review January 28, 2019 Title: Splendid in its Silence Author: Jude Neale Publisher: London: Spm Publications ISBN: 978-0993503559 Price: £7.50 Reviewer: Cynthia Sharp Splendid in its Silence (SPM Publications) is a must have. There’s a texture to a Jude Neale poem – power, gentleness, subtlety and truth all in one. Each poem is…
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Poem from Cantata in Two Voices, in which I and my collaborator Bonnie Nish take existing poems and respond to them line by line. In the mountains, stillness; “After Goethe” by Robert Haas I come to this place to find the depth of wonderment I have lost in ordinary life. The pine scented earth…
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This is a work of profound and generous intimacy. Each poem is a brief intrigue into the dark beauty that can be found in the quotidian and in the quiet spaces that fold us into filial contemplation. What is a daughter, a shiver, a crème blanket, a city street, or an iridescent wing? Neale so…
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From Brick Books Online August 11, 2016 in Celebration of Canadian Poetry Jude Neale presented by Susanna Braund Jude Neale’s latest poetry collection, Splendid in its Silence, delivers yet again what we expect from her: searing insights into relationships and experiences, articulated with full-on synesthesia, as Jude appeals to multiple senses with carefully crafted phrases, such…
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Roger Elkin, Judge of The Sentinel Poetry Movement Book Prize UK The collection’s title denies the author’s articulate commentary on modern living, as poem after poem explores the guilt and purpose that frame relationships. Whether it be in instances of pain, loss, separation, departure, or the finality of death, these are poems which confront the…
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The pretty girl’s neighbor drank her beauty like wine Kept her in his breast pocket for slow days when he danced with her silhouette to the tune of the Tennessee waltz Alone behind curtains he imagined her waist fitting into the crux of his arm and she said bring me more than I asked for…
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On the tip of my tongue I hold you. You slip into rosewater words shadows cast behind recall the quiet dust of death’s white lilies. I fall into this undergrowth yearning for doubts to skip away like pebbles over the silvery sea. A moon whispers you have come home but I can’t find you anywhere….
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I could have died on this road alone but for the fever of your touch. You pull crusts off my loneliness and your hand on my wrist lessens this wake I drag behind me like a stillborn. Your transmuted voice whispers my secrets hidden in a bucket of eels where you mock their twice mirrored…
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A remarkable book of poems which explore and chronicle the compelling journey of a mother struggling with bipolar disorder. These poems are held together by awful weight of mental illness, each one reflecting back another facet of a person struggling desperately to remain above water. The poems are about love, even the fractured love you…